Specialist In Healing

1. Chronic Pains

Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Chronic pain may originate in the body, or in the brain or spinal cord.

2. Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities or exercising. The seven most common sports injuries are: Ankle sprain. Groin pull. Hamstring strain. Shin splints. Knee injury: ACL tear. Knee injury: Patellofemoral syndrome.

3. Post-Trauma

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

4. Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic fever (RF) is an inflammatory disease that can involve the heart, joints, skin, and brain. The disease typically develops two to four weeks after a streptococcal throat infection.

About us

Mecode Asans Vaidhyasalai kaliyakkavilai

Siddha Marma Treatments

Mecode Asans Vaidhiyasalai is a unique, multi-specialty Siddha marma Hospital. We analyse disease by Pulse diagnosis and provide permanent cure by siddha marma treatments with no side effects.

What Clients are saying

We as a family have always had the very best treatment we could possibly get at Good Hope Hospital and could not criticise in any way..

- Libin

Treated well, respectfully and had everything clearly explained throughout the procedures. Explained what was happening throughout and treated with compassion and cheerfulness.

- Godwin

recently i was a patient in the Mecode Asans vaidhyasalai. From being booked in to discharge i was given the most exemplary of care.

- Prathap